Coding the AI
the hard AI was a part of the game that was NOT written by me, as im not a good player of Risk
the hard AI in the game is very crap right now, so if you make something better, then u can replace it.
The AI methods are called when the play(Risk risk) method in AIPlayer.java is called, it then calls the appropriate method from the appropriate class.
the defualt methods are the ones used in AIEasy, but some of these methods are overridden in AIHard. in turn some of the AIHard methods are overridden in AIHardCapital and AIHardMission.
each of these methods produces a String which is passed back to the game.
(a list of constants can be found in RiskGame.java, as in a lot of places the number is used instead of the constant)
there is also a idea to maybe have a AI that learns and gets better as you play it
send me if u get anything to work better (yura@yura.net)
Change Log
Screen Shots
Extra Maps
FlashGUI Web Start
SwingGUI Web Start
Flash Applet
Swing Applet
Make Maps
Make Translation
Make AI
Risk Project Page on SourceForge
Risk Project Page on Freshmeat
If you like this game and would want me to spend more time on it, please donate, anything would be appreciated!
Risk is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with
Hasbro Risk